40 Incredible life experiences that you will never forget

The older we get, the more peaceful and thankful we become. Life gradually humiliates us as we get older. We realize how much nonsense we have wasted time. And we are gradually feeling the peace that results from our decision to rise above the little drama and distractions that are not really important.

I was reminded of this today after reading the first few lines of an email from Mary Ann, an experienced digital ticket participant entitled “Think Better, Live Better 2020”. She gave me full permission to share her words with you …

“Today I’m celebrating my 90th birthday. I’ve seen the world change a lot. It is amazing how much progress we have made. When I was a child, there was no television, and now I write online on a touchscreen tablet that my grandson bought for my birthday. This ride, which we call “life”, is incredible! It is worth something to be valued every day. “

The rest of her email describes the ups and downs of her 90-year journey and how she perceives life as an “ongoing puzzle” that we have never fully completed. “It’s crazy how some parts happen to get lost, and then other parts that you didn’t even know existed fit so perfectly into the empty spaces,” she says. “We just have to do our best so that our own negativity doesn’t get the best out of us.”

Mary Ann’s words of wisdom remind me that there will always be ups and downs in life, but ultimately it makes each of us what we are. So you have to learn to accept both the good and the bad, which gracefully fall on your plate. Because everything in life happens for you, not for you. Everything happens at the right moment, neither too early nor too late. For everything you lose, you win something else. And for everything you win, you lose something else. You don’t have to appreciate it, but it’s easier if you do.

So pay attention to your attitude to life. Every day you can either regret or rejoice; It’s your choice. If you choose the latter, life opens doors to amazing experiences that you are likely to remember forever. Here are 40 such experiences …

  • Mastering and coping with the great challenges of life. – No matter what happens, do your best and smile. You will not enjoy your life unless you enjoy your challenges. Big challenges make life interesting, and overcoming them makes life meaningful.
  • The freedom that comes from acceptance. – The secret of happiness and peace is to let every situation be what it is instead of what you think and then make the best of it.
  • Moments of sincere gratitude. – Appreciate life even if it’s not ideal. Happiness is not the fulfillment of what we want, but an appreciation of what we have. If life gives you every reason to be negative, think of a good reason to be positive. There is always something to be thankful for.
  • The beautiful events that made everything worthwhile. – If you look back on painful events and feel blessed for your growth, for the love you knew, for the fact that you have lived through these times, then and only then can you really appreciate the vitality of gratitude Role in the process of letting go.
  • Walk comfortably in your own shoes. – We’re all kind of weird. What makes you different from others may seem like a burden, but it is not. Most of the time, that’s what makes you so incredible.
  • The moment you start listening to your inner voice instead of opposing it. – Sometimes your mind takes more time to accept what your heart already knows. To breathe. Be a witness, not a judge. Listen to your intuition.
  • Customize what you do with who you are. – Make the rest of your life the best of your life. Create a life that feels good on the inside and doesn’t just look good on the outside.
  • Use your unique ideas, perspectives and skills to make a difference. – If you want to make a difference in the world, you have to be different from the world and be brave enough to show it.
  • Create your own life, your own way. – No matter how you live, someone will be disappointed. So live a life that you are proud of. Live YOUR truth and be sure that YOU are not the one who is disappointed in the end.
  • Work hard on something you love. – Hard work becomes easy when your work becomes your game. Never underestimate the value of loving what you do. If we lose ourselves in the things we love, we will be there too.
  • Knowing deep down that you’ve given your dreams a fair chance. – Most of the time, the only difference between a dream that came true and one that didn’t come true is a person who wouldn’t give up and a person who did.
  • Reflections of your own bravery. – If you are afraid but still take the next step, that is courage.
  • The fame of overcoming an old fear. – Fear is a feeling, not a fact. The best way to gain strength and confidence is to do what you’re afraid of. Dare to stretch yourself.
  • Be brave enough to grow and develop. – It takes courage to grow and become who you really are. Don’t be afraid of changes. You can lose something good, but you can also win something big.
  • This is how you feel at the end of highly productive days. – Laziness may seem attractive, but work leads to happiness. You are what you do, not what you say. Good things don’t come to those who wait. You come to those who work on meaningful goals.
  • When your patience finally pays off. – Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you behave and how hard you are willing to work while waiting for your work to pay off.
  • To make the impossible possible. – In most cases it is impossible not a fact; It is an opinion. Almost anything is possible if you have enough time and nerves.
  • If you have a good reason to be impressed by yourself. – Spend less time impressing others and more time impressing yourself. Climb a mountain so you can see the world, not so that the world can see you.
  • Take your own journey without drama. – Let yourself be occupied with the tasks of refining, improving and appreciating your own life so that you have no need and no time to criticize others or to engage in their drama.
  • Get up for yourself. – Sometimes we don’t suffer because of the violence others inflict on us, but because of our own silence. If someone tries to bully you, stand up for yourself and say, “Not so quick, buddy! Your delusion of superiority is your problem, not mine.
  • Relationships that make you a better person. – Know that having more friends is less important than having real ones. Surround yourself with people who make you better and appreciate every moment of your time together.
  • Knowing deep down that you really care about someone else. – One day you will be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be great.
  • True intimate love. – True love is not about how many days, months, or years you were with someone. True love is about how much you love each other every day.
  • Appreciate someone else’s beautiful imperfections. – Imperfection is real and beautiful. It is the way two people accept and deal with the imperfections in their relationship that ultimately make them ideal. (Read the gifts of imperfection.)
  • Keep your promises. – If no real commitment is made, there are only empty promises and hopes, but no real plans or results. Remember, engagement means staying true to and keeping a promise long after the mood in which you made the promise has left you.
  • Give a fighting soul a little more leeway. – Don’t judge so quickly. The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles of which we know nothing.
  • Help someone who desperately needs your kindness. – Those who are the hardest to love often need it the most. So treat everyone with kindness, even those who are rude. Give them a chance.
  • Knowing that you did the right thing. – True integrity means doing the right thing no matter what, even if no one will know whether you did it or not.
  • You saw a real smile that you helped shape. – Few things are more satisfying than helping someone smile a little more than before.
  • Make a loving compromise with someone special. – Sometimes we have to choose to be wrong, not because we are really wrong, but because we value our relationship more than our pride.
  • Moments of mindful presence. – If you always run to the next moment, what happens to who you are? Stop thinking and worrying. Life is too short for that. Worrying and ruminating are the worst enemies to live happily in the present. Take a moment here and there to be easy and breathe.
  • The release from letting go. – Letting go of the past is your first step to happiness. So finish each day before starting the next one, and build a solid foundation for the calm between the two.
  • The process of growth through failure. – Remember, your failure doesn’t define you, your determination does. Failure is simply the opportunity to start all over again, smarter than before.
  • When the sun finally shines through the dark clouds again. – Do not give yourself up. Fight on. Sometimes you have to go through the worst times to get the best. (Angel and I discuss this extensively in the “Adversity” chapter of 1,000 little things that make happy, successful people different.)
  • Surprising new beginnings. – Each end is the beginning of something else. Every exit is an entrance somewhere else. As long as you breathe, it’s never too late. Every day is a new opportunity.
  • The nimble feeling of being a beginner. – Allow yourself to be a beginner. Nobody starts to be great. Do the best until you know better. If you know better, do it better.
  • The amusement of the first experiences. – You can see or do something a million times, but you can only see it or do it for the first time. And it’s worth it. Many of the great times you will remember for a lifetime are those when you leave your comfort zone and try something new.
  • Become parents. – Being a mother or father means discovering strengths that you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears that you never knew existed.
  • The happiness that YOU create for you and those you love. – In life you often have to create your own sunshine. So read something positive every morning when you wake up and be inspired to do something positive before going back to sleep at night. This creates unforgettable days.
  • In every moment you are busy living through love. – Today is one of the good old days that you will miss one day. So be so busy loving your life and that you have no time for hate, regret or fear.

Now it is your turn…
To be honest, talking about our problems is our biggest addiction. Let us break this negative habit today and instead talk about our joys, our love and our victories. So tell me the following:

What makes your life incredible? What should you remember?

Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.

Angel and I would love to hear from YOU. ?


Robert Smith

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