9 things for which it is not too late to do something yourself

Don’t judge or insult yourself now how long your trip will take. We all need our own time to cover our own distance. And every step is necessary.

Think of this post as your memory …

Marc and I have coached people of all ages and populations from around the world for the past 12 years. Above all, this experience has taught us that everyone travels in their own way. Some people start their careers right after college in the early twenties, just to be burned out and start over when they are in their early thirties. Others start working on minimum wages right after graduation and work their way up the career ladder to happily retire in their mid-sixties. Some people fall in love and get married in their mid-twenties, but divorce a few years later. Others marry in their early forties and spend four decades with their soul mate. Some couples are ridiculed for becoming adolescent parents, but end up living to meet their children’s children. Other couples get pregnant in their mid-forties and are ridiculed for endangering their unborn children.

Every trip is different here too. And everyone makes life right in their own way.

Now just remember that there are no absolute in life.

And there are certainly no fixed schedules.

YOU are NOT too late to make the best of things!

You are exactly where you need to be.

Which does __ mean . . .

  1. It’s not too late to do the difficult things you need to do to be happier.
    All great successes require time and hard work. Good things are not easy. And consistent practice is the only way to endure the gray areas.

If we want things to be simple and expect them to be simple, we are inevitably disappointed. Our disappointment then motivates us to give up too soon. And the thing about giving up too soon is that you never know. You never know if you could make an effort and do something incredible with your life. Personally, I’ve been trying pretty hard over the years because I’m tired of the same old problems. What about you?

Find the courage to do the hard things in life. The things nobody else does. The things that scare you. The things that others cannot do for you. The things you question, how long you can hold on and push forward. Because those are the things that define you. These are the things that make the difference between existence and life – between recognizing the path and walking the path … between a mediocre life and a life full of happiness and success.

Yes, find the courage!

And remember, courage doesn’t always roar loudly. Sometimes courage is just the quiet voice at the end of the evening that whispers: “I’ll try again tomorrow.”

  1. It is not too late to be a beginner.
    We are products of what we know, but we don’t have to be prisoners of them. When you stop learning, you stop living a meaningful life. The wealth of life does not come from always living in a familiar and comfortable area. When you move away from the familiar, you become stronger and more capable.

You have to stick to your basic values ​​and at the same time open your heart and mind to new ideas, feelings and experiences. Your own perspective becomes clearer when you look at things from different angles. Find ways to challenge your current understanding of life with a healthy challenge, and you’ll discover and experience much more of the magic of life in the coming days.

Conclusion: As long as you are breathing, you are just starting.

  1. It is not too late to stop comparing yourself to others.
    Let go of the stupid need to compare and you’ll set yourself free to accomplish what’s most important to you. Sometimes you have to remember that you don’t always have to be and do what everyone else is and do.

When you compete with others, you become bitter. If you compete with an earlier version of yourself, you get better. It’s that simple. You’re not competing with anyone but yourself – plan to go beyond your past, not with other people.

And remember that if you don’t compete against others, you can instead work with them towards a common goal. You can use your combined insights and talents to accomplish what none of you alone can do. Incredible personal growth and learning comes from relationships when the competitive spirit is replaced by a collaborative one.

  1. It is not too late to give yourself a loving seal of approval.
    I don’t need someone’s affection or approval to be good enough in my own eyes.

Repeat for yourself and let it work.

You cannot validate other people. If someone rejects or leaves you or judges you, 99% of the time it is not really about you. It’s about them and their own insecurities, constraints, and needs, and you don’t have to internalize any of it.

Its value does not depend on others accepting you – it is inherent. You live and therefore you are important. You can think and feel things. You can assert your needs and take up space. You can hold onto the truth that you are worthy. And you can keep a healthy distance from anyone who insists that you feel different.

  1. It is not too late to stop taking small daily annoyances personally.
    Another driver cut you off in traffic. Your friend never texted you. Your colleague went to lunch without you. Everyone can find a reason to be offended every day. But what insulted you? You took things personally and dramatically. You did everything about YOU by assigning a negative intent to these otherwise arbitrary acts. And you let your temper roar.

Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t pretend that all daily actions are about YOU. You are not. People’s actions are about YOU. So let it go!

How would your life be different if you moved away from drama, gossip and non-constructive assumptions?

Let today be the day you find out.

  1. It is not too late to make yourself a daily priority.
    Life becomes a lot easier if you are your best friend. So don’t forget YOU out there and don’t be too hard on yourself. There are many others who do both for you.

Remember that self-care is absolutely not selfish. If you don’t take good care of yourself, you can’t take good care of others. Because we can’t give what we don’t have. Treat yourself right and you will be life-giving to others.

  1. It is not too late to feel the warmth and joy of lifting others up.
    Once your self-care is in order, there is no better exercise for your heart and mind than reaching down and lifting people up.

Generosity not only helps to help others, but also frees you. It is what keeps the things you own from owning you. Therefore, you cannot live abundantly until you have done something nice for someone who can never repay you. Meditate on it and live graciously today.

  1. It is not too late to stop thinking and thinking and to think about everything.
    Sometimes your mind struggles unnecessarily with events that are not even remotely likely. Your sore throat is life threatening. Your lost driver’s license fell into the hands of a villain who wanted to steal your identity. Negativity like this only creates more negativity. It is a flood of happiness. It will carry you away from the shore and if you don’t swim away, it will pull you under you.

Stop rethinking any dilemma. The answers come to a relaxed mind. The space makes things collapse. A calm posture gives the best results.

If you look too deeply into things because of your fears and fears, problems arise – they don’t fix them. If you think and think and think, you will think yourself out of luck a dozen times and never once.

  1. It is not too late to sincerely accept the life you are living.
    Before you can really LIVE today, part of you must first die. You have to let go and bury what could have been, how you should have reacted and what you would have liked otherwise. You must accept that you cannot change a past experience, opinions of others at that time, or results of your or your decisions. When you finally accept this truth, you will finally understand what it means to forgive yourself and others. From this point on you are finally present and free.

Remember you’ve been through a lot, but you’ve also grown a lot. Treat yourself to your resilience and step forward with grace today.

If you are struggling with any of these points, you know that you are not alone. Many of us are right there with you, working hard to feel better, think more clearly, and live a life without addiction. That’s why Marc and I wrote the NEW edition of 1,000 little things that make happy, successful people different. It contains short, concise tips. And believe it or not, Marc and I also regularly review many of our own materials to focus on these positive principles.

The bottom line is it’s never too late to take a step in the right direction. It’s never too late to free yourself and become the person you are capable of!

It’s your turn…
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Robert Smith

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