7 little ways to make life easier

Our days fill up so quickly and are so frantic and full of drama and distractions that they often seem to burst at the seams. And the craziest part of it all is that we get so used to this kind of chaos that we think it’s normal. We walk around every day without ever asking why we feel so damn stressed.

Angel and I lived like this for many years, until a time when we received a series of tough reality tests that forced us to reexamine everything. One of the most important lessons we learned through this re-examination is that it is not that difficult to make our lives much easier and happier every day … step by step.

Today I encourage you to join us on our daily journey to a simpler and happier life by following the seven steps I described below. However, keep in mind that while Angel and I fully integrated each of these steps into our daily lives, we did it step by step. I suggest you choose one now and start working on it. Visit this list again when you are ready to take the next step.

  1. Identify what’s most important and eliminate the rest. – For some, this may sound like a drastic measure, but it really isn’t. Today will quickly fill up with time-consuming activities if you are not careful. So you need to remember that productivity is not just about getting things done, it’s also about undoing things. Today’s simplicity and efficiency depend heavily on eliminating nonessential tasks. You need to figure out what’s most important to you and then remove as much as possible from everything else.
  2. Unravel your physical space. – Cleaning up your physical space not only makes things more organized, it also creates a less crowded mental space. The visual distractions around you attract and distract you more than you think. If you cling to things you don’t need, let them go and donate them to someone who does. Allow yourself a little more air to breathe. And remember, it doesn’t just matter how many (or how few) you own, but also whether you count those things. For example, having three great books on your bookshelf that you will actually read is better than 300 that only take up space. (Read “More of Less” to find decryption strategies that work. Note: We have read a pre-copy of this book and it is a must.)
  3. Schedule at least one distraction-free time block every day. – Distractions are nothing but complications. So if you know that you are focused on what’s important and your space is relatively manageable, one of the most effective ways to do things for a set time while you work. Just lock your door, log in, turn off your phone, close your email application, disconnect from the internet, whatever is required. You can’t hide forever, but you can be twice as peaceful and twice as productive while you are.
  4. Leave space on your to-do list between everything. – It is tempting to fill up every waking minute of the day with tasks. Don’t do that to yourself. Leave room. The space between the things you do is as important as the things you do. Remember, your overall goal is to live a life without most of the things that people fill their lives with, and to give you room for what is really important. A life that is not always busy, hectic and stressful, but mindful contemplation, creation and connection with people and projects that make sense in your life.
  5. Separate yourself from the drama. – If your day gets stressful and the people around you don’t help, remember that the struggle you go through is never fueled by the things other people do. It is driven by your mind that gives meaning to these things. Even if you have a good reason to be angry and angry, don’t do it. Direct your energy in thoughts and actions that actually benefit your life – build positive daily rituals that YOU will build. And if you develop positively, keep in mind that there is an enormous amount of simplicity and freedom that comes into your life if you don’t take anything personally. (Angel and I build positive daily rituals with our students in the “Goals and Growth” module of Getting Back to Happy.)
  6. Let go of the uncontrollable results of life. – If you try to control too much, you make things difficult and therefore enjoy too little. Sometimes you just have to let go, take a deep breath and love what is. Make mistakes, learn from the realities around you, laugh at everything, and then move on. Don’t waste a minute on results you can’t control. I learned that this is the best way to be in all areas of life. You can stop trying to change people and just let go and dissolve in their presence – just realize who they really are, appreciate any idiosyncratic idiosyncrasy. You can stop complaining about your circumstances, your losses, the world, and just let go and love what is. Just be Just accept it. Simply estimate.
  7. Think about goodness. – One of the main reasons why we complicate our lives is that we become ungrateful. We lose our enthusiasm and then look for it in the wrong places. We think we need more of everything to find it, even though we need less. We need less clutter, less distraction, less drama and less busyness so we can create the space we once had to appreciate what we have. And what we have is always more than enough. Think about it. Never let all the things you want make you forget all the things you have. Think how lucky you are. Consider it every day. (Angel and I discuss this in more detail in the “Simplicity” chapter of 1,000 little things that make happy, successful people different.)

It’s your turn…
Please leave a comment below and let us know which step you like most. Do you have any other thoughts or tips on how to make life easier and happier? We’d love to hear from you.


Robert Smith

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